Wednesday, February 10, 2010


A blog is an online diary or log that anyone can create. The information that you post on your blog is unlimited and can relate to any topic. When you create a blog you have the choice to allow advertisements which if you have so many people log on to your blog you could earn money through the advertisements. You can also insert other blogs, music, video, word documents, other websites and pictures. The look of your blog is up to you, you can change the background, colors, fonts, organization of widgets (which is a website that contains space for any separate HTML web page that take on a form of an on-screen tool). Therefore, a blog can be a great way to show your creativity and personality, and you can control the web page.

A wiki is an online website that can be edited and collaborated by anyone. The information that is in-putted can be changed/edited by anyone that visits the site. An example of a wiki is Wikipedia, as a student teachers do not consider Wikipedia as a reliable source because the information that is on the site can be manipulated by anyone that visits the site.

A ning is an online social network, such as My Space, Facebook, which allows people in the network (friends) to communicate and share with one another. As a user of Facebook, I enjoy communicating and looking at my friends pictures because it allows me to keep in touch with the friends that live far away from me and also to just keep in touch with friends.

The blog and ning seem to be very similar, such as they both have an option for free or paid site, and also the choice to allow advertisements on your customized site. The option to allow ads is a way to make money with your blog or ning because the more people that visit your site the more money you will receive. For example, if you go on to YouTube, some people have blogs/nings that have rating in the millions. The difference I found between the blog and wiki was the fact that you can edit and delete entries on the wiki, whereas the blog you personally control what it put on the blog and what is removed. I believe all three (blog, wiki, ning) all share a common purpose and that is to allow people to communicate with one another.

The blog is a great way to communicate with parents of students because parents can comment ot ask questions regarding blogs that the teacher has added or other parents have made. I think the wiki is a great tool for students to use, maybe as a resource for discussing projects or assignments with one another because you could revise their work with them or correct work on their wiki. The ning I thought was a great thing to incorporate with other teachers/staff because it is a social network that can help teachers collaborate with one another at school or while at home.

Therefore, I thought the blog, wiki and ning are all great online tools that can be introduced with students, staff and parents. Since we started blogging as a class, I have learned a lot about blogs and other similar tools. As a result, I cannot wait to incorporate some of these technological tools in my own classroom, because everything is technology and it’s only going to get more advanced.

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